CSI With Dead Body and Biological Evidence
A Modern Approach to Old Problems
The aim of this workshop is to discuss and present the current problems of CSI with dead bodies and biological evidence, together with modern methods for searching, description, analysis and interpretation of the evidence. The CSI is the first and most important step of uncovering the truth, aiming to collect all kind of evidence and to perform a reconstruction of the crime circumstances, closest to the reality and excluding any false statements.
Concise contents of the workshop:
CSI and corpses – the role of the forensic doctor and qualified forensic technicians. Pitfalls in the organization. Biological evidence – still (blood, semen, hair, other fancy things) and crawling (insects).
Basics of forensic photography at the scene of death. Details, perspectives, colors and measurements.
Other imaging methods – 3D scanning – photogrammetry, structured light, laser scanning, hybrid scanning. Mobile LiDAR technology – an affordable approach with impressive results.
Special light sources – (often) the only way to find and fix the traces and to collect the evidence – biological and nonbiological.
3D modelling and reconstruction – collecting and combining everything together: never miss a thing. How to present our science to the investigators and the court and to be understood.
All sections will be illustrated with cases and graphics, practical examples.
Yanko Kolev
Specialist of Forensic medicine and Medical imaging, Member of the Expert Council of Forensic Medicine of the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, Delegate to European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM)