Forensic Odontology / Anthropology & Mass Disaster

This workshop gives an introduction to forensic odontology and shows possibilities to apply standardized examination procedures in individual cases but also in mass catastrophes.
As the primary identification method besides DNA and dactyloscopy, forensic odontology offers a scientifically verifiable identification method that can also be used when central comparison databases are lacking. Furthermore, the dentition is often easy to assess even in the case of burnt corpses and severe decomposition.
Course participants know after the course:
the basics of Disaster Victim Identification
the Interpol forms
the different dental schemes (FDI / American System / Haderup etc.)
how to fill in the Interpol forms
know the Plass Data Code
know different techniques for postmortem dental examinations of fresh and burnt corpses
how to use AI to compare photos (selfies) from social media for dental identification.
All theoretical sections are flanked by case analyses and hands on training to achieve the best possible learning effect.
Sven Benthaus
Forensic Medical Expert
Former Consultant of the DVI Team Interpol Germany