Abstract Submissions are now closed
Abstracts could be submitted for oral or poster presentations (Authors are asked to advise their preference, however it is up to the committee to select abstracts for oral and poster presentations).
Presenting authors must be registered participants.
Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in all meeting material.
Abstracts must be submitted and presented only in English.
Conflicts of Interest / Disclosure: Work submitted for presentation must include an acknowledgement of funding sources
Abstracts must be allocated to a specific category and field for the Scientific Program. You will need to select the category and topic most suited to your abstract.
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
–Presenting author’s contact details
–Email address
–Full postal address
–Daytime and evening phone number Author and co-authors’ details
–Full first and family name(s).
–Authors’ names must be in upper and lower case (Jean Smith).
–Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, country
–Abstract title – limited to 25 words in UPPER CASE
–Abstract text – limited to 300 words, excluding acknowledgements
–Abstracts should clearly state:
– Background and aims
– Methods
– Results
– Conclusions
– Keywords
Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears the first time.
Scientific papers selected for presentation will be divided into two groups: Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations are of 10 minutes duration and must cover the material reported in the abstract. The nature and aim of the presentation should be stated at the opening statement. Results should be stated simply and clearly. The presentation should be finished with a summary of the essential findings. Only power-point projection will be available for the presenters
Poster Presentations
Posters will be on display (online and/or in the venue) all the time during the Conference. Poster dimensions are 100 cm x 150 cm (portrait).
Abstracts should be submitted as an attached word document and sent to: contact@balkanacademy.org
Abstracts will be reviewed by members from the scientific committee to assess quality, relevance, and appropriateness for the conference Deadline for abstract submission 31 August 2023. Following acceptance, scheduling information will be sent to the abstract submitter.
Abstract submissions are now closed
Abstracts should be submitted as an attached word document and sent to: contact@balkanacademy.org